
they should take the i out of the name and just call it a con. 20k and no bluetooth?

fear is the mind killer

@Josh_Geyer: reprogramming your car is more like tweaking the registry to change performance. this is more like buying a car w/ a v8 engine but only 4 cylinders are running unless you pay extra

we're still doing uranus jokes? time to change the name to urectum

this is a case of police twisting piracy laws to selectively prosecute government opponents, not microsoft cooperating w/ an oppresive government

if you're sitting in nj traffic, it's pretty safe to text

@Chyfine: hehe, i was just joking... not trying to stirrup any trouble

@BoscoH: all the giz writers write while intoxicated. it's one of the perks of the job

@deciBels: a priest, a rabbi, and a horse walk up to the genius bar...

apple will reach the same conslusion in a year when they discontinue the magic mouse. the only difference is apple got the consumer to pay for the research

any info on what keyswitches are used or how many keys can be pressed simultaneously?

blah blah blah... skynet... gloom and doom...

makes more sense than pc load letter

@posts: right here:

@alan10: bloomberg is on the list and his salary is $1 also