You seem to ignore the fact that the chief draw Trump has to his ill-informed mouth-breathing base is the fact that he validates their racial animus.
You seem to ignore the fact that the chief draw Trump has to his ill-informed mouth-breathing base is the fact that he validates their racial animus.
I lived in Michigan.
Obama did not catch wind of this till 2016 just before leaving office
Flint native here... it’s not a race issue. It’s a class issue. The leadership of Flint, corrupt is fuck, was mostly black. The current Mayor who has done nothing, is black. The President it happened under was black.
I have to say it’s weird that you’re definitely real girlfriend from Canada is so invested in American politics.
You get mad on every blog. Congrats on being offended by everything. You sure showed them
I personally think he is enjoying playing the martyr.
Why is it better? Backpage was nothing but a digital pimp that actively filtered ads to remove questionable keywords that would make them easier for officials to flag (you know...instead of flagging and passing them on to investigators themselves).
“Studs up red card worth challenge by young in the second half...”
Starts at the top, maybe wear a tie for games and a collared shirt for pressers there chief.
if it helps i’ve been to the garden and they’re fucking awful
no hate. they’re an objectively unlikable franchise.
That it is a civil right to be a danger to others because treating mental illness is oppression as has been the “left’s” position since the mid 60s.
People don’t own words, that’s just not how it works.
This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.
BS. If I were to protest anything or say anything controversial at my work that angered half of my clients I would be fired in a second- it is not a constitutional right to offend people at your work and not get fired. Kaep wore cop- pig socks to work and he wasn’t even fined or suspended, he continued to play and HE…
Is the total number of human drivers out there more than 51 times the total number of autonomous drivers? I’m guess it is, and if so, then your stat doesn’t prove what I think you’re trying to prove (humans are the more dangerous drivers of the two) or there are not enough autonomous drivers out there to be…
How about fuck the parents who left a gun lying around or maybe even fuck the parents for not teaching the kid to not play with guns. This has nothing to do with the NRA.