
Liberals are disgusting people.

The fact that you believe this is terrifying.

My God you’re a moron.

And MBC’s statement was idiotic.

You must be as stupid as MBC.

Holy shit, I just got a mental image of that.

That may be, but it still does not change the fact that you are an unstable, hateful person. I hope your life turns around someday and brings you joy.

It’s clear that you are an unstable hateful person.

What the fuck are you talking about?! How is this anyway related to any politician?

Can you cite which one is the ‘autonomous car’ amendment to the Constitution please?

Go fuck yourself.

Ok, no one gives a shit.

Nice try. Of course public sector salaries should be known, they’re paid by the taxpayer.

No, most conservatives will say that it’s none our fucking business what anyone makes.

Go fuck yourself.

You’re wrong, full stop.

I missed the other post where you’re citing different numbers than the OP. My mistake.

Not arguing that. It’s an issue with our society, not a gun issue.

Yeah, no. That chart is not homicides only chief. Gunviolence.org tracks all gun related deaths/crimes. My above breakdown stands.

You’re assuming that all of those are murders. They are not. About 50% are suicides. Of the remaining 50%, about half of that are gang related...you think banning guns is going to stop suicides and gangs?