
To reiterate since you seem to have comprehension issues...what makes you think I’m religious? Not even close.

What makes you think I’m religious? Not even close. Try again.

You are correct. The leftists in this country have made it so.


You are correct. Kneeling during the anthem is bullshit.

+1 minuteman

Huh, that’s very similar to how the ACA was passed in the first place.

It sure takes balls to hide your face and run away after destroying someone else’s property.

Yep. And you know what? I’m happy as fuck to boot!

10-4 angry internet man. Good luck with that blood pressure.

I will concede your point. But I think some cross-pollination would benefit all parties. Too many people ignore opposing viewpoints.

Wow, here I thought you actually understood that joke.

At least we can both laugh at that statement.

I guess there’s a difference between employed and gainfully employed.

Way to move the goalposts. Yes, the Southern red states tend to be poorer and need more government assistance. There’s not a ton of business down there (relative to the Midwest/East/West). I’m not arguing that. Do those people work any less or lead slower lives than their Midwestern/Eastern/Western brethren? No.

Trump voters tend to be busy people with jobs/lives. Also, who has the energy to argue against people with no common sense (read: Kinja commentators)?

When adjusted for park capacity, Cleveland falls in the middle of league in attendance.

More stars!

They literally said in the article “not gotten any indication that this was motivated by hate or bias.”

Can confirm. From Cleveland, no idea what lean is.