Weapon X

Is that for a place in Chicago by any chance? I’ve tried dozens of places, hasn’t worked for any

Is that for a place in Chicago by any chance? I’ve tried dozens of places, hasn’t worked for any

Is that for a place in Chicago by any chance? I’ve tried dozens of places, hasn’t worked for any

Is that for a place in Chicago by any chance? I’ve tried dozens of places, hasn’t worked for any

Is that for a place in Chicago by any chance? I’ve tried dozens of places, hasn’t worked for any

Is that for a place in Chicago by any chance? I’ve tried dozens of places, hasn’t worked for any

Anybody in Chicago find a place this works for?

Anybody in Chicago find a place this works for?

Superman Bleeds

Fuck Jon Barry. The only way he got that job is because ESPN thought they were hiring Brent, right? Inexplicable how Jon got to be on air for years before Brent got a chance.

I’m now just expecting them to adapt Archie vs. Predator and I’m good with that.

I clearly had, seeing how it was already bookmarked, but I’d forgotten about it. Wait, noooooo... what did you do to my free Thursday!!!

How is Isiah so bad though

Damn you, I fell into an xkcd hole for the past hour

The thing is, I loved him as both the Mandarin and as Slattery. Ben Kingsley is awesome. But seeing as how Slattery is just an impostor and (excellent) comic relief, he’s not really going to be showing up as a villain again whereas if he was Mandarin we would have a likelihood of seeing him again as a major player.

how... what is wrong with all of you

Yeah, Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War were always the obvious choices, don’t know why they didn’t go with that all along.

They have been for the last three seasons but I’d argue that in season 1 they were the only interesting part of the show. Everything in Starling City was terrible. Terribly shot, terribly acted, terribly plotted with an extreme overuse of CW-style drama. Until Merlin showed up as the Archer there wasn’t even an

Also... Captain America, War Machine and Falcon are soldiers, Hawkeye and Black Widow were spies (or at least covert agents), Thor is a warrior god, Iron Man was created in the midst of a warzone and Hulk, well, c’mon he’s an actual goddamn monster. Have to reiterate that the only apt comparison between the actions of

While I like Supergirl, Agents of SHIELD right now is pretty damn awesome. It’s come a really long way.

Than Arrow has ever been? C’mon now, it doesn’t come close to season 2 Arrow. And as much as most of us thought season 1 was really bad, looking back on it now, the flashbacks to the island were pretty awesome and far better than the first season of any of the subsequent network comic book shows other than perhaps

Yes, Batman & Superman are completely different than the Avengers in terms of icon status. The only thing that Marvel could do that could compare to what Snyder does to DC icons in the Murderverse would be to have Spider-Man act like Snyder’s “characters.”

If Spidey snaps someone’s neck in Civil War I guarantee it will


At this point, though, I expect Ward to always be the villain in this show. No matter what happens, whether its him as himself, or he’s taken over, or reanimated, or cloned, or the bad guy cuts off his face and wears it over his own... Grant Ward will always be the face of the enemy of SHIELD.

If Doctor Doom is allowed