Weapon X

It didn’t get a theatrical release though, iirc. I believe it went right to video. Of course, this is the internet, I could easily check... pfft, whatever, I’m sure that’s why it’s not on the list.

The obvious attempt to piss off Colin with the half-assed rewording of Dairy Queen is my absolute favorite.

Links and site searches weren’t working so a did a Google search for ‘site:Bestbuy.com’ and something like ‘gift card 200’ or ‘designer gift card’ and used the link a few spots down that led to a listing of a number of gift cards. Clicking on the link to the card or opening the first Google result wouldn’t work, but

I’m guessing female clone

Seriously, and now that the season is over I can’t even downgrade my cable & internet package because of these shit oligopolies we have as service providers. I only got the damn cable tv for basketball and dropping it to go with internet-only will do nothing for my monthly bill. It makes no fucking sense for League


Or to haunt Magneto the way Cypher's death haunted him in New Mutants. Charles doesn't seem to give a damn no matter how many kids he's entrusted with die.

Oh my god I lol'd so much so loudly from this, my neighbors must think I'm a supervillain

A pox on you!!

Okay this is way douchier than skateboarding. Next time you see a 30-something skateboarding and think "wtf douche" just imagine that person doing this shit instead.

I mentioned this on one of the recaps but season one was actually almost physically painful for me to sit through. It was that bad for most of the episodes. But a friend kept urging me to do so and I have to say it was worth it because of how great the show is right now. If you watched the show then and gave up or

Rob, now that I know you're doing recaps of Gotham I may have to start watching that show again just for that. I didn't hate the show but it had a weird tendency to be both awful and great in sequential moments, and sometimes at the same damn time, somehow.

I think it was meant to be more of a mocking term like "tough guy" in that they are sarcastically saying someone is a real "warrior" for social justice while just making online comments and not real action. At least, I think that's how I took it before the term blew up and now I'm pretty sure everyone using it as an

Because Mysterio is a bumbling fool and Doom is DOOM.

I was about ready to quit the show in that episode when, at the end, the little white girl suddenly killed the black kid we all knew was going to die at any moment. The way he was killed was kind of hilarious and somehow kept me watching. I can't explain it, I knew he was going to die but the way they did it, I did

Oh that makes a lot of sense. Without that context I really think the only explanation was that the preteen writing the show was suddenly replaced by their older sibling/parent, who decided the show actually had potential and they should start taking it seriously instead of pawning the work off on the kid.

Definitely has become a must-watch but you will have to tough it out for most of season one. The show started with interesting elements but handled them so poorly at the beginning it was actually physically painful for me to get through some episodes.

What this show did to nerf Raven after doing such a good job establishing her character in the beginning was absolutely atrocious. It was one of the top three reasons to stop watching this show in season one. So glad she is at least beginning to come back to being a strong fully-realized character again.

Brace yourself though, those first five or so episodes are brutal to get through.

Seriously, I only stuck with it due to the insistence of one of my friends who kept promising that it would improve. Season one was clearly written by a 13 year-old who liked Battlestar Galactica and just read Lord of the Flies. And then suddenly ditched all that crap and became amazing!