Weapon X

Good point on the timing, I hadn't even considered that.

I have to admit, DC does a MUCH better job with their animated movies/shows than Marvel, especially recently. I'm still livid that of all the shows that were JUST cancelled after only one season like Wolverine and the X-Men or Spectacular Spider-Man or even Iron Man: Armored Avengers, they actually put money into

Really? Wouldn't it fall under the same type of usage as parody? Because it would essentially be a parody cameo, they wouldn't be passing it off as an actual GL. Not sure about the law in that instance. Either way, I don't think Marvel would do it if DC objected, even if it was legal. I don't even really see why DC

So R.I.P.D. is a movie about undead cops? Would that be cops who are also undead... or cops who police the undead... or both?

When I read Jose Padilha's quotes regarding the Robocop reboot, all I could think was "In Soviet Russia... stuff owns YOU!"

You really should sit a little farther back.

I disagree, they wouldn't actually be putting GL in the movie, just a guy dressed up as GL... maybe in line at a comic book store signing as the fight happens on the street or a comic-con flyover by Iron Man or something. You could still make it a nice Green Lantern suit (it wouldn't take much effort to make it look

Well then you certainly aren't a billionaire. If you were... well, I'd want your taxes raised first of all but that's neither here nor there... if you were a billionaire it really shouldn't take more than a day or two to also tack on philanthropist and playboy. Especially if you're a genius too.


Now that's original, I like it. So of course, they'll never try it. You could throw in a Predator story in multiple past settings using your general premise, and the ending wouldn't be predetermined since it wouldn't have any effect on later movie events at all.

Damn, beat me to it.

They should actually make this. Talk about meta.

Alright, now we can get a kickass third film! Like when Michael Bay and Shia realized their mistakes from TF2 and gave us... oh... right.

As this post relates to the Matrix, which stars Keanu Reeves, I feel the need to remind everyone that Keanu is immortal.

Replicators, half of Brolker, Ming Na and the guy who plays Deputy Andy... I thought Siffee was done with Stargate?

I think the sign at the beginning of the clip, stating that the population was "4,000 people, 10,000 camels" was more offensive than the name of the country. I was so stunned after that it took me a couple extra seconds to realize they were calling the country 'Car-bomb-iya'

I'd ride that.

Is it strange that this review makes me actually want to go watch the movie? And, despite the fact that I abhor 3D movies that are not named Avatar, I think I want to watch it in IMAX 3D, no less!!

Dammit, I'm leaving for California on the 17th and don't get back til the 27th. Stupid niece had to have her wedding in late June after I told her it's unacceptable to leave Chicago at that time of year. Why she wouldn't rearrange her whole wedding for my convenience I'll never understand.

It's pretty clear at this point that they're just giving us a big middle finger. Fuck you too SyFy. Fuck you too.