Weapon X

Atlantis falls in I believe at the beginning of season 8 of SG1 (maybe season 9), the first SG1 tv movie takes place right before season 4 I think, and it's pretty well regarded as being decent at the beginning and pretty good the rest of the way. Hope that helps!

Who, me?

Absolutely, I kept trying to click to see what articles were 'Popular' and what's on the main page lol.

How is the Captain America one not number 1!? That looks hilariously awesome, I'm going to have to make a note to find and buy the 'Streets of Poison' arc. Lol, why can he only say 'bock'?

It's there now, and it should be number one. Insane Captain America.

It's there now and imo it's clearly the best one. Cap goes insane.

Agreed, it was certainly too late but in no way was it 'too little'.

Its funny how many people are now acknowledging how bad the first seasons of SG1 and most Trek shows have been. It was brought up occasionally at the time but mostly we just couldn't stand the needlessly slow character development, endless/pointless music montages, humorless script and dumb plots.

Excellent post Strakus. And yeah, I get what you mean about SG1 & SGA... I loved all fifteen seasons as well but if someone else were to come in while I was watching it... uncomfortable.

Anytime I get angry about how bad the first season one, one of my friends always reminds me that the first season of SG1 wasn't great either. The difference, I think, is that SG1 didn't half to suffer through such a long 'mid-season' break plus it, like Atlantis as well as pretty much all Trek shows, was constantly on

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes! Thank you.

Schocked? No. More like offended.

My thoughts exactly. More shows lacking a guaranteed next season should end like this if they're not going the 'wrap up everything at the end of each season' route. I hope it doesn't take that long but I'm with you, even if it takes three years for MGM &/or Siffee to bring it back, the plot has it covered!

The worst part of all this is that my coining of the phrase 'Brolker' (come on, it is hard to remember which is which and they're almost always together anyway) has not had time to catch on (a star would have helped with that io9!).

Excellent point, you can always do filler episodes when you're running short on ideas/budget or just want a change of pace... but do it AFTER you've gained an audience dammit!

That was the best one-liner of the episode as far as I can recall. I thought it was great that Rush finally kind of acknowledged it as he actually smiled after Eli said that! Great job by those two actors.

I loved the premise that there was another Federation ship out there. And one whose crew had completely abandoned Federation ethics/morals on top of it. I couldn't figure out if I wanted them to win them over or capture it and have two ships or just have the two of them continuously at odds as they fought all the way

I just checked out that trailer and, forget this post Cyriaque... WTF was that?! That was concentrated insanity, that movie couldn't possibly have made any sense at all and it was a musical to top it off... I need to figure out where to get some weed and this movie and then have a complete mindfrak of an evening.

I'm not positive but I vaguely remember bringing it up a while ago (I think it was here) as one of my favorites from Voyager and getting flack for it. Could be wrong, but that's what I recall. It's also been so long since I've seen it that I'm not sure it didn't have major flaws, I just remember I loved it.