right next to emulsifiers
right next to emulsifiers
than what would i watch week 2?
Are you kidding, Jared was the one who suggested it
why stick with weddings, if Trump had his way he would claim his right at Ms. Teen beauty pageants
When i say the wedded couple proud to pose with Trump in pictures after their wedding i thought of all those German couples who were so proud of their pictures posing with Hitler
if you look hard enough you will see a story where R. Kelly was still a national hero.
the cost of steep was very failure.
Deep Fake!!!
i don’t think you have a choice without a tow truck
My family does go back that far to England but that was not my point, Trump thinks because his family has been American longer than the Congress Womens’ families that he has authority to suggest they should go back to where they came from even though his current family has been alive long enough to have met the first…
wow dude, my comment went way over your head
I didn’t say we have been here for thousands of years, white people did come over from Europe before the American revolution you know.
the saddest thing about this is that Trump is only 3rd generation American. I have chairs in my family that have been american longer than him and his family. Who is he to make demands. He has been an American for such a short period of time that he has not bothered to learn proper English.
Say it as Trump would say it....
Oscars are not for acting they are for performances...and the Oscar for best performance goes to....
Lets get our terms correct, this is more of a geyser (think Old Faithful) than a Tornado
the viruses the website loaded on your devise come at no extra charge until you pay the ransom
i thought Trump had the dumpster fire job already
Same reason Tracy built a detached, guest house sized fish aquarium in his back yard “with Sharks!” in it, because Tracy Morgan