
i think the word victim implies that something was inflicted on the person making the claim. accuser, the word, does not imply any action happened to person.  accuser is action neutral .

you are doing a ya, but..., like ya, but Hillary...

How long should it still be called new? At some point should be be calling it Other Mexico

Up and to the left, up, and to the left (the zapruder film of the punch)

sadly, some of the moms might mistake it for a Group-on and try to redeem them at the same time 

Weekend at Britney’s style

sound like it could be a plot for the Netflix show Ozark!

upside down soft serve ice cream

Sophistry - Definition please?....um, can you use that in a sentence?.... um,... what is the country of origin?....um,... any other definitions?... um, “Sophistry” um, pronunciation please? um...“Sophistry”...S...o...p..h...i...s...t...o ....damn-it!!!

Yes there is, (any except maybe Tiffany) Trump’s personal photos, just imagine the “tan” lines

a clearly underage ____     (fixed it for you)

God would not let these photos be taken if she didn’t want us to see them! It’s gods will

so do you want them to scrap the photo finish also?

Trump does not like anything that follows rules, new at 11

i am thinking you are too old for this site.

i thought i saw in the preview for next week 2 dragons in the sky

i thought i saw in the preview that there are still 2 dragons

i started watching on Directv, everything in the darkness was blotches and shades of squares, i decided to pause it 20 minutes in and try HBOGO, world of difference, i had thought the episode did not appear on HBOGO until the televised episode finished, I’m so happy i took the chance. you know, there are things in the

I also loved Kirk’s Vikings ( as a kid, seeing the vikings running down the ships oars to celebrate as they come home to port was so cool).

I haven’t watched this, is the worse than watching the Walruses tumbling off the cliff?