
How old are your controllers? i have had mine since day one release and no issues with that, my issue seems to be left thumb stick that does not seem allow complete forward compression, i never seem to run fast enough.

the Wille-E-Coyote school of backpedaling when you fall/run/walk/jump/get tricked off a cliff (Acme Anvil parachute not included)

I don’t see her as someone who can keep a secret from her Instagram followers, she would have blabbed about her parents buying her in on Instagram thinking that either she was special for it or that everyone elses parents do it too so she would have been matter of factly about it in her post.

has anyone yet tried to claim that anyone other than white people Directing a movie as cultural appropriation because up till not it’s mostly even been white people directorial movies (claiming whites created the directing culture)?

But guillotine is associated with France, Guns are more associated with America

it’s easy when you only have 80 people in your country /s

Correct me if i am wrong, Leopards are African, Jaguars are South American

He believes he can lie!, he believes he can lie!

Hey, stop bad mouthing horse shit, at least horse shit can be put to good use 

I think this is a genius ploy to get Chich-Fil-A to add a restaurant to their campus.

Do you live in the land of misfit movie choices? Both Man of Steel and the Lone Ranger had such potential just due to their subjects and they both shit their beds

i think her eye lashes are glued shut

Isn’t the Subaru Crosstrek basicly an Impreza on tiny stilts so i think 2 Subarus made it on the list.

Saying that THAT slime is aware of it’s own existence is giving them too much credit

Fake News! Lies!

i thought it started out as “Lock him up!” and the Republicans tried to drown it out with USA

Is that the Mooch second from the back? Damn, that guy is everywhere

Yoda of the Lambs or maybe Yoda Myers

at least he waited to see the whites of his eyes, the sack heard around the world (both American Revolution references)

Where did they get the hats?