I do not believe the kid with the red hat wrote his response white-splaining why he was standing in front of the drummer, i read that his family hired a PR firm to deal with the blow back.
I do not believe the kid with the red hat wrote his response white-splaining why he was standing in front of the drummer, i read that his family hired a PR firm to deal with the blow back.
How tall is Barkley? I just saw him on a sitcom recently (I think Goldbergs) where he was blocking shots from kids going to the hoop and he did not seem that tall compared to these 13 year olds.
The didnt let her finish her statment... “They don’t have a racist bone in their body, they have many.”
Looks like someone had Chili w/Beans
Free DNA tests for the whole male staff!!!
and then take over for a few prosperous centuries/dynasties
i think the guy was out on his feet... funny watching him freeze contemplating with with each fist to the jaw - SMACK...what just happened? SMACK...what just happened??... SMACK ...what just happened??? SMACK...what just happened???? ...........
Looks like Trump was wearing his Kevlar Helmet hair in the video
That looks rather boring.
this idiot driver drove up on snow high/deep enough to make the body of the car rest/wedge up on the snow not allowing the tires to keep good traction, this would happen with any car if the snow was deep/packed enough and the driver was this big of an idiot. this happens when you have to try to drive through the snow…
Is there an issue of recharge cycles with these types of batteries? How many are they good for when charging at these speeds?
Does it have any blow pipes
Did you notice the look on the refs face after he had to announce the outcome, it was like ... this fucken guy!
or that whitey should have noticed it and then fixed it
I bet right about now Milo wishes he didn’t spend all that money on those fake teeth
i think that smell is masturbation
Do/can “4 wheel drive” vehicles have independently variable wheel spin/power. I always thought one of the main differences was 4WD was that all the wheels have the same amount of power all the time where AWD could push power to any or all wheels as needed.
the thing I have noticed ( I live near Chicago), this is the one time there have been no pictures (that I have seen) of the killer, I think this the best way to handle these types of situations, yet, why this time, did he just never take pictures of himself, with others or on social media? just kind of unusual.
i did not know tire tote bags existed, i was thinking of maybe spreading out a painters canvas over the folded seats
Do people with smaller care make 2 trips to lug their tires to and from or will 4 tires fit in a standard hatchback? Also is there such a thing as rented storage from tire shops so you don’t need to lug your dirty tires around?