
Funny, from your response you did not know this meaning of the word but still kinda used it correctly :)

“quenched” is the perfect word choice, make your super heated engine hardened by dipping it in water

I say fuck everyone, if this small personal choice makes her happy why the fuck should anyone else care?

Sadly the Congressional check to the Executive branch is complicit to the chief executive Officer’s actions. If the President and the Congress are in cahoots having a government designed around having checks and balances is worth less. Congress’s scale of justice is literally turning a blind eye to Trumps wrecking

Do you mean the White Sux? (and i’m from the SouthSide)

Or Smooooth Operator

a reverse Sophie’s choice, which half of Trump’s administration do you like the most

He knew Xenu is watching over him so he knew he wasn’t going to fall


he filmed Justice League before and a little during this (hence mustachgate)

Because they both know one of them sucks and they both think its the other guy

what’s a Moderate face and why are leopards eating them?

I love his shoes

Don’t forget Poutine flavored chips which sounds interesting

My general rule of thumb in life is most people are assholes and like most assholes they are just hidden.

They should also need to re-brand like Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) or Burger King (BK), they need to go it HD or just Harley. Harley...going forward....>

nope, sadly i was just wrong, i was thinking he was the George Lazenby, i guess they kind of look alike

Other than a Chloe’s original blog post what “facts” did you use for your investigation, how many people did you question? What efforts have you made to get to the bottom of this?

AMC used an independent investigator to perform the investigation which was not mentioned in this blog post, sometime people make comments on blog posts with out having all the details and some times corporations want to make the right decision and make every effort to do so WITH ALL THE FACTS NOT JUST HEARSAY.

where’s her validating investigation?  Anyone?  Anyone?