what else are you going to do while you are taking your dump?
what else are you going to do while you are taking your dump?
By this logic arnt children parasites?
That would be a Golden opportunity
back in Evel’s day math was still in it’s infancy
I know i’m not a rocket scientist but from all the clues i am guessing this either was or will be on the ....HISTORY.... channel at some point
and Dana White still will not believe what just happened in front of his own eyes, he will evil tweet that Daniel is faking it
I think this is just a way for Trump to get a free divorce.
when you see something say something
We all better start learning this now if Trump has anything to do about it...
i would have waived and gave the thumbs up.
3 questions, was Little House on the Prairie at all auto-biographical? and if so, was she a settler when beliefs in those stereotypes as being facts were widely held (hence a stereotype). Did she write in the first person having experienced these stories? My only knowledge was the TV series.
You use to be able to say Murica was still good at it’s heart (the people), its the administrations that suck, but not any more.
Counselor, Your Objection has been over ruled
the definition of an echo chamber, Trump quoting the “Facts & Numbers” to Fox that Fox made up for him, and so it goes
That’s James to you!
Thank you
Most times its easy to be racist because their actions and words rarely actually affect their own lives until they do, its like vetoing and saying you are a Republican then come to realize you lost your Healthcare.
I think his dentures were going to fall out. This is the reason he always has the look of enjoying a fart on his face.
Derrick T.V., is that you?
Derrick T.V., is that you?