
“You say you have three dragons?”

Beyoncé can be Misty Knight. Just break out her old Foxy Cleopatra costume

Ah, I see I’m the only pervert that immediately recognizes it as a riding crop

Seems a bit like a red Harrington. Er, herring.

Jon Snow is not returning. Unrelated, a new character named Jon Harrison will be joining the show.

Man, Bran can just stay in his tree.

Oddly the part that bothered me the most in this story is her father. “If WE had known the content of the books WE would have never taken the course”

I expected Batman and Robin, not pornography.”

You could say he has areptile dysfunction if that happens.

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

With the prize money you think he would have done something about those teeth.

... too soon?

Stupid sexy Gordon.

Jim, you aren’t Nightwing for god sakes. Put a damn cape on.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the book that absolutely obliterated my Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge:

Drogon is the fucking “man.” And something tells me that the Dany who left Mereen is going to return full-on Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, Mother of Dragons. And she’s going to show Mereen no mercy.

Stanley Kubricks zombie?

The movie is just going to be 2 hours of Kristin Wiig looking worried.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson has had a teeny part to play in the new film: Offering a bit of scientific insight for writer Chris Weitz.

Mohawk Storm is the best Storm!