
I enjoyed the hell out of Insurrection.

Yeah, right. The Pope's just saying that so that he can nuke us all when we're not expecting it.

Kai Opaka approves this message

"Entrusting humanity's fate to Mutually Assured Destruction? You better bet that's a paddlin.'"

Few things speak more to how out of control the right-wing have become than when Pope Francis talks about being more open to gays and criticizing the ultra-rich and folks talk of scripture to counter him.

The Infinity Gems!?

Ridley Scott has gone full Lucas.

I think we're only SUCH a minority because we stopped watching the show period.

I don't even know what you just said.

May 4th is when Superman V. Board of Education hits.

I think that is what they are implying. Although I'm more concerned about the how and why or even if it's the Peter parker of Earth-616.

Hadn't seen this promo! Who's the kid? Please tell me that's Mayday!

Mary Jane breaking up with Peter because she didn't want to "be a target" while referencing her first true appearance in the comics is one of the most insulting part of Superior Spider-Man. It's dumb because if MJ truly loved Peter, it wouldn't matter since not being a couple does not automatically make her no longer

Ugh. Ugh! UGH!

Cast Whoopi Goldberg. Now that's a movie I'd actually watch.

Just quietly force-restart your iPhone by holding the home/power buttons. Fingerprint alone won't work for unlocking the phone after a restart.

Right, but that's kind of my point — there's no need to follow the narrative of comics that are 40-years old and not particularly nuanced.

Yes. They should have never killed her. Not only was it tacked-on at the end, but it made the entire romance subplot of the movie (which was huge) completly pointless, and killed the best thing in the franchise (the Peter-Gwen chemistry). Also, you have the fact that in the comic, it was shocking and important because

...But first give the rights to Marvel.