
Hold on to your butts.

The 90's had some good ones too.

Q. Played by David Tennant.

CJ isn't arguing that Bay has any deliberate agency in the films' deeper messages, but that they emerge by accident. This isn't that radical of a notion, actually. Intent being a prerequisite for meaning has been a rejected notion amongst critics of art, media, and literature for decades. It's why "I didn't intend for

I feel like his movies are often about something different than whatever they're about on the surface. I genuinely believe this, because the surface is so random and incoherent that it lets other stuff leak through.

I am oddly conflicted by this. I love the reboot tv show soo much, i also have a deep love for the kitchy 70s original...meh what the hell, let's toss in another version. And i'm happy to hear that Bryan singer is too busy to do jack with this project. I would post a picture of the GOOD cat, but meh...that seems

Zombie Spider-Ham!!!!

AUGH! Stories like yours make me nuts!

Good novel, almost "The Mote in Gods Eye," or "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," good. Not quite, but edges near there.

Had a pretty good one actually! But that game should be called Monotonous.

I am from mainland China. And my belief is that Tibet is part of China for sure, but I disagree with the current Communist regime and its policy on Tibet, it's terrible and frustrating.

If give a an infinite number of skulls an infinite amount of time, one will eventually write the entire works of Shakespear.

What if God were one of us? And we found his skull?

I've gotten a few thumbs down but I was thinking of the more matured grim Harry Kim from the alternate future timeline episode "Timeless".


MacReady and Childs are rescued and on the return back to the states on a jet...MacReady is the alien thing and infects everyone on the plane as Childs barely escapes from jumping from the plane before it crashes. The adventure begins again as Childs and the rest of the world fights the alien invasion.

She already has a tagline. Angel & Faith (concurrent series to Buffy Season 9) was pretty good and I love Eliza Dushku and Faith has really matured as a character but still has her edge!

Star Trek: Galactic Conquest