
Good points.

I stand corrected. American Gods is definitely not a palette swapped American version of Neverwhere. I mean, can you even believe the same author wrote both books? Each book contains 100% different written words in entirely different arrangements.

This has been on my list for years. Maybe this summer I’ll actually read it.

I listened the Neverwhere on audio and liked it. As I recall there are two different versions. One is a radio drama maybe?

No if you like one of them you will like the other. Both are good.

Yeah, but Gaiman’s books, at least the three previously mentioned, have a lot in common, like, a lot more than what any two fantasy works have in common. Neverwhere and American Gods are so similar you could almost just swap the character names and swap England for the USA and get the same thing. I like both of these

I recently discovered Charles Stross’s post human android civilization novels Saturn’s Children, Netpune’s Brood, and the hard science fiction robot zombie canibalizm short story set in the same universe: “Bit Rot” (which you can read here: http://www.antipope.org/charlie/fictio….

I like American Gods too, but doesn’t Gaiman sort of write the same book over and over? I mean, American Gods , Sandman, and Neverwhere are all very similar—secret world just on the other side of every day life; lots of elements of many mythologies. It not really a criticism just an observation. Gaiman is really good

Stop clicking on me!

Nice hat Alan Grant!

Now that's just silly. Additional information can often illuminate a text. Historical context can make something that was indecipherable perfectly clear.

It's more of a collection of short stories than a cohesive narrative. A bizarre collection of bronze age short stories. Also, the text we have now that is called the Bible, probably has little in common with the original authors writings or intents. I highly recommend Bart D.Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus, where Ehrman's

11pm on a Sunday night a professor from the business department left an irate message on the help desk answering machine. I mean irate, about how much the IT department sucked and was never available when she needed help. Problem was she didn't have Silverlight installed so Netflix streaming wasn't working and her

At the college I used to work at one of the IT managers put in a support ticket for a technician to "install a mouse." It was a wireless mouse and she had put the batteries in backwards. This person was an IT manager.

I'm with you, but Spidey in the Avengers still makes more sense than Batman in JLA.

Watch out, Radioactive Man!

Explain how!

I think that's the point. Since almost no one can prove damages, almost no one can collect.

Loosen up!

What he meant was the Avengers will always be there when the studio needs a big payday.