
"What's the point in attempting to preserve and improve life if you don't establish the value and importance behind it."

Totally. If you need to parse ancient holy writings to make a decision on this topic you are probably too far gone to be reasoned with.

Yeah, I get that. I just think it's a weak explanation—contrived to get Picard in to the trap.

Reminds me of George "The first one is called Episode IV" Lucas.

I don't get this idea of having a "two-part Avengers 3." Every MCU movie is a multi-part movie. They are all connected. How about Avengers 3: A Movie followed by Avengers 4: The Next One: This is How Numbers Work. Of course A4 is connected to A3. Maybe it will be more of a direct sequel, like A3 will end of a

Sure. It makes no sense. If we want to give the writers here the extreme benefit of the doubt we could say something like:


Could be. But he's done so many bad movies. He must be flush by now right?

Cage sort of already made this movie in The Knowing, which was admittedly not great, but I thought it was fun and really creepy. Why watch this nonsense when you can get the same thing with a sci-fi twist instead of the preachy religion stuff?

Leaving Las Vegas was such a downer! Also, the cinematography so super 90s music videoish. Kind of feels like the nightmare version of a Hootie and the Blowfish video.

Matchstick Men is kind of too predictable. It's a con man movie where the con man gets conned—and by his estranged daughter no less. Kind of obvious. As soon as the daughter character appeared was there any doubt how it was going? Still, Cage is good in it, even if it is not a great movie.

He is a great actor. But he takes terrible roles! My theory is his agent hates him.

S2 of AoS? Not yet. It was getting better in the second half of S1.

Totally agree. But events that happen in S1 –Yar's death for example—are referenced later and without S1 those references wouldn't have any emotional impact. So S1, while not great on it's own, builds context that is leveraged later in the series. In a way S1 shouldn't be judged by itself because the best thing about

I haven't started watching Gotham yet, but I am prepared to be disappointed. In fact, my expectations are so low that if the show is just watchable I might even like it. AoS has set a low bar for super hero movie tie in TV shows.

Even without being a fan of her writing I totally feel your pain. I hate when a movie is in the gap between theaters and DVD and I can't buy it. And this is so much worse.

Yeah, that's kind of what I remember. But so many people love her writing I feel like maybe I'm missing out on something. On the other hand I ask myself: do I really want to work to try to appreciate something I don't appear to like when there are so many other books that I enjoy? Probably not.

It's even worse than when a movie isn't in the theaters anymore but not on DVD yet.

Here is the real question I'm more curious about than the book she is writing. If you are writing a book that you know won't be read until after your death, do you write the best book you've ever written or do you hold back the best work and use it elsewhere so you can get credit for it while you are still alive?