
Personally, I liked the fully badass Klingon alternate Worf. I know he was kind of one dimensional, but Worf always had to hold back and it was fun to see him in full warrior mode.

I could be wrong, but I don't recall 95 and 98 being much different. 98 SE supported a wider range of device drivers, but that's the only distinction I recall. What about 98 was awful compared to 95?

I'm right there with you one this. I've explained this to users so many times it's like muscle memory to recite my schpeel. You might be surprised however, how many users don't really use the keyboard. Like, if you took a poll around the office, how many people would be able to identify the win key? Round these parts

I totally get what you are saying—side note: can a Bajoran be robed of his or her humanity? Probably, yes I think, since Bajorans are just barley not human anyway. Like you could totally be hanging out with some Bajorans and complete forget that they aren't just some dudes with a weird region. But they are, like,

Truer words were never spoken. I work for a state wildlife and fisheries agency. We use these things mounted on helicopters and on on fish traps at 200ft depth.

Totally agree what the first sentence here. A clear statement of fact. But making assumptions about how Jobs would feel about this is getting away from the fact based territory. Based on the decisions Jobs made when he was running Apple, I don't think there is any real evidence that he would feel that way. Bringing

iteleport for $25. At the time (2009?) it was the only VNC option for the iPhone. Considering that it's still updated fairly regularly and I still use it—although not a lot, I hasn't been the worst software investment.

Keith Olbermann gets fired from MSNBC, moves to ESPN; is notoriously difficult to work with; throws tantrums and won't come out of his trailer sometimes.

There must be a safer way to get some fake quotes. This sounds like suicide by wingnut.


Sam Biddle isn't funny

Sam Biddle isn't funny

Sam Biddle isn't funny

God knows, I wish I could.

I would like to suggest The Martian by Andy Weir.


Good point. Origin stories are boring. I'm glad we are finally getting past them in movies and into the good stuff.

Intelligence is not strictly hereditary.

For a second there I thought you said BtVS. Nevermind. as you were.

In fact, even a 10 year old PowerEdge has more style.