
Charles' cowardice.

Remember the interview with Jim Bob and Michelle?

I wonder if they realize that admitting to a “three strikes and you’re out” policy regarding FUCKING CHILD MOLESTATION is telling on themselves to a spectacular degree.

There’s a wide space between throwing a teenager in prison for 20-40 years and giving them a stern talking to after molesting several children. It should have been reported to the authorities, there should have been therapy and medical intervention for his victims, and he should have been prevented from coming

My mother was like this. Remember that dinner scene from Christmas Vacation, with everyone gnawing at their servings of that dry overcooked (half exploded) turkey, dipping bites into their water glasses, just trying to choke it down? Well, that was every dinner at my house. Mom wasn’t convinced that meat was safe to

The best part of this story was hearing that many of their food vendors either stopped doing business with the restaurant once Trump was elected, or started delivering only sub-par meats, seafood and veggies.

You are correct.  There’s no way that a man who refused to wear a mask during a global pandemic can be a germophobe.  

I have always despised Trump. Even before the birther nonsense, before he ran for president, etc, he always struck me as a loud bully. Once he got on Obama’s case and everything after I learned he was far more dangerous and stupid than I realized. I was terrified the night of the 2016 election and all my fears and

Germaphobes don’t raw dog porn stars

Same. I was once like that because I didn't know better. But when I started hanging out with people who weren't terrified by meat that in the wrong light had a hint of pink to it, it's like night and day. It's why they need ketchup and steak sauce and salt because they cook all the flavor out

I could understand a little pomp and circumstance for pouring out some crisp refreshing Dr. Pepper, but Diet Coke?

People say he’s a germaphobe but I doubt it. I think he just doesn’t like poor people or anyone he sees as beneath him. Is anyone here really going to argue he’s a fastidious hand washer?

I have, and they hurt me a little inside everytime they do. 

What drove Trump crazy was the old money families and upper crust of NYC would have nothing to do with him. He so desperately wanted to be included in that crowd. But they saw him for what he was, a crass asshole, the only thing separating him from the hill jack idiots who love him is his money.

Never in my 40 years of life have I met someone in person who ate steak well done.  

Jesus this sounds made up but you just know it’s not.

One of my favorite things is when a Trump supporter being interviewed said he liked some picture of Trump eating KFC because it made him feel like he was just like him, like they had some common ground. Motherfucker was eating KFC with a golden fork and knife on his private jet.

No one told him about Coke Zero? Hell, even Pepsi Max is better than Diet.

Ask the guys down at BJ’s Restaurants.

Trump is a paradox. On paper he is the epitome of a coastal elite - born into fabulous wealth, native of New York City, went to an Ivy League school.