
That right there is what should be the American Dream. Instead we have these dick heads, pictured above, and people want to emulate them.

This current crop of obscenely wealthy folks have forgotten about noblesse oblige and now they’re the ruling class. It’s nice to hear about families like the one you know, if you know that you’re #soblessed, give back!

What a mishmash of assumption about the definition of luxury. Chanel next to Michael Kors? Please.

“Let them eat cake,” advised Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

We have a two party system, the republicans aren’t going to fix anything. The democrats are going to have to do it.

It’s not up to the democrats. It is up to we the people. We let this happen. Don’t blame the electoral college, if anything blame the midwest but yeah, the people let this happen.

If the dems ever get their shit together enough to regain power (not that I have confidence in their ability to do so) they need to enact laws that prevent using government planes for personal use.

When I think of self-sacrifice to your country, I tend to think of military service where someone gives their lives or limbs or peace of mind for their country. I don’t think of having to divest but still being mega-rich as sacrifice but I’m jot a rich so I don’t understand their struggle

The happy news is that Linton is actually Scottish, so at least we’re not entirely to blame for this one. DEAR UNITED KINGDOM: Come get your girl.

If it even occurs to you that you *might* be a bad parent, you are miles ahead of many actual parents!

Sometimes I think I would be a bad parent, but I guarantee I would be the first person to berate my child for saying something that stupid, so maybe I’d actually be pretty good.

There are; I’ve known some of them. Perhaps not as many as we’d like, but it’s hard to know. They go about their lives quietly. It’s the mega-shits like the above who get the attention.

Speaking of which, she screams “I love to shop in Europe but do everything I can to avoid paying any duty.” God, I’d love to be a Customs officer just once when this bitch comes sauntering off the plane. Every suitcase opened, every label inspected.

My mom worked for a couple who did this. He was an anesthesiologist and the wife ran the clinic. It turned into a huge clinic that got bought out by a fancy hospital, so these people were mind-blowingly rich. The wife told my mom they had six kids because they believed they owed the world for being rich. Those six

Terribly nouveau riche.

Oh Honey. Hashtagging your clothes to show off your wealth is so vulgar and gauche.

Ah man. I love Michelle Obama. I miss her.

DEAR UNITED KINGDOM: Come get your girl.

Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country?