
Nah, I don't think so. Particularly because she didn't know what the hell was going on.


Yeah, I hope BBC has something akin to Creative Control on this project - this movie can absolutely not be allowed to suck, under any circumstances.

Just please... Don't make it gritty. That's all I ask. Make it scary, fluffy fun.

There WAS a Jersey Devil in X-Files. One of the first-season episodes, actually. ;)

Well then you should be PUMPED for next weeks' episode; "Indoor Sports with Christian Bale". If that doesn't sound like an awesome episode, I don't know what does.

FRINGE is currently making my head hurt more than Doctor Who, timey-wimey time-travel included.

Or fire. Lots and lots of fire.

Hearted. ;)

Ten Hollywood-blockbuster-pitches just died.

I tend to be not-picky about special effects. :)

Ho-LEE SHIT, there are a LOT of interesting forthcoming science-fiction-projects in the works right now. Even Singularity sounds pretty cool. O.o

Hm. That IS an interesting question - maybe he's behind these new Shapeshifters? :/

Oh holy fuck, next weeks' episode looks AWESOME!

I think much of this has to do with the fact that we're seeing how these characters have grown up without Peter, especially during the last few years. Peter was (probably) one of the reasons these people came to love each other. Without him, they're mostly business.

I think there's a reason that we haven't seen Walternate this season. I think there's something there, but I really hope this season isn't going to be another version of "universe vs. universe". I mean, we know they can't destroy the other universe but seriously; who wants to see us vs. them AGAIN? Not I.

Yeah, Fringe really shaped up in season 2 and 3 in terms of answers. I love LOST for its weird-ass twists and awesome stuff happening, but Fringe makes more sense overall, and constantly gives answers.

How different is the remake from the original show? I'm thinking of watching that first, since it's shorter.

Me too. I love these "hm, what could that and this mean?"-moments and puzzle-like plots of LOST, Fringe and whatever else show they're in (currently American Horror Story has this in SPADES - but it might go away when they've fleshed out the characters a bit).