I've heard that Gulliver's Travels is really sort of fun... :/
I've heard that Gulliver's Travels is really sort of fun... :/
It's just fun!
Yeah, it probably could. But (having not seen Year One) I'd like to think that it at least has ONE genuine laugh-out-loud-moment. Because that's all it takes to beat Shallow Hal.
I love Liar Liar. One of the best comedies with Jim Carrey in it. Then again, Just My Luck is dreadful (though Chris Pine is awesome in it, and so's that band... McFly?), but Shallow Hal? Shallow Hal is officially the worst Jack Black movie ever. It is so. goddamn. bad. I watched it once, and was like "wha? why? how?"…
Source Code in Space?
That would've been fantastic.
Well, have you read the bible they released? There are some answers in that, which clears a few things up.
It better be, because I am beside myself with excitement ALREADY! :D
Absolutely. That's why it would've been perfect to have Carnivale now - with a nerd savvy-HBO. Before, they were more drama "with a Cable-twist", like The Sopranos (CRIME family drama), Six Feet Under (soap opera with gay characters at a FUNERAL home), The Wire (crime procedural THAT SHOWS EVERY DAMN SIDE OF THE…
I hear you. This film is getting such massive pre-hype that I'm actually terrified of watching it. What if I don't like it? What if I think it's stupid and unfunny, the characters are assholes, the "touching moments" garbage and that nothing adds up?
Also, the fact that HBO Exec's are saying that they're basically adapting ALL of GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire furthers my belief that Carnivale came way, way too early. It should've premiered in 2008-2014, when HBO was/is in "Fantasy Mode". Think about it; True Blood, Game of Thrones, the forthcoming American Gods…
Oh man. I can not WAIT to see Pacific Rim, especially if Willem Dafoe stars as an ALIEN SCIENTISTS! Seriously - this'll be the best movie ever. (Though I wonder why everyone's calling it a GDT-movie, seeing as he didn't write the thing. He's just directing, drawing/sculpting the monsters, casting it, and being…
Doctor Who has something to do with the Pyramids?! Oh, man. How many plot lines can Moffat juggle at the same time?
Indeed. But don't tell anyone - they're not supposed to know.
I haven't been with you for a long, long time. That's how long they've had me.
I am so on board for this.
I'm looking forward to this. Hope it continues, and is as good as io9 keeps saying it is. :)
The tag "Holy Crap WTF" has never been put to better use.