
Does it have a BoardGameGeek listing?

I think we have a pretty good idea how the old scandanavians "crowd funded" their stuff. :) 

New, on Xrock Game Pass.

Can't wait for the evidence of the 1702 year-old Kickstarter that funded it

You can cool it on shitting on a little kid, who for all intents and purposes—even if he wasn’t the intended audience—was right. The first Assassin’s Creed has pityingly little to do outside of the main storyline, which the Devs agreed on, and the game would’ve been criticized for it.

Wow. Their lead singer is fucking awful...

Tony Hale suntan!

I think most Satanists are just looking for mainstream acceptance of their weird kinks.

Breakfast cereals ALL FOOD INDUSTRY also allow for a certain % of insect parts because... well.. you can get all the bugs out of grain.


I prepared to come joke about an Onion article accidentally getting sorted into the AVC but was pretty surprised to find an actual story. 

There is absolutely some sexual tones behind that spank, kthx.

Bringing sunlight inside your body? Then it’s true-he really believes this woman.

It's not a justice system, it's a legal system. Justice is incidental, accidental, and frequently absent altogether.

It says a lot that I was actually relieved they weren’t shots of her dead body.

Hey! Wha hoppen? 😢

I just figured I would get shit for admitting I listen to (80s) Phil Collins.

Alright I'll bite, why would Phil Collins offend someone? I'm out of the loop on whatever that is it seems. 

These ZZ Top videos have really gone downhill.

Today I learned that people like hops flavor even without the side effect of getting drunk enough to not notice the hops flavor.