Google: “No, you misunderstand. We’ll pay you in exposure”.
Google: “No, you misunderstand. We’ll pay you in exposure”.
This isn’t some scrappy, unproven start-up we’re talking about’s friggin’ Google, they essentially own the internet and have more money than they know what to do with. Were they so inclined, they could be doing exactly what Epic is doing with the EGS in ponying up for exclusives or timed exclusivity for…
“Readers” is a strong term. These choices look like they were made by illiterates.
“Readers” is a strong term. These choices look like they were made by illiterates.
They’re absolutely not, but leave it to voters to make the wrong choices.
They’re absolutely not, but leave it to voters to make the wrong choices.
Do we think maybe we could spell her name right, at literally any point in the article?
all the assholes making corny puns here are gross. shut the fuck up.
Guarantee that employee’s been yelled at by a customer who ordered ‘extra’ something and demanded why their order wasn’t swimming in that ‘extra’ stuff.
They explicitly discuss in the movie that the Blue Raja persona is a white Brit living in colonial India. A very weird thing to pretend to be, but not pretending to be a different race.
Sounds like someone who didn’t watch the problem with Apu. Just because there was no social media for people to use to complain about things doesn’t mean people didn’t have problems with racism decades ago. I hate to break it to you but racism existed before facebook and twitter did and people who were the victims of…
Wasn’t the point of that character (and all of those characters) how out of touch with reality they were? He was a white guy using Indian iconography as his super hero alter ego. Same concept as RDJ in Tropic Thunder.
Azaria sounds like a good dude and I appreciate that he talked about how he processed this himself. He also reminded me that I should watch Brockmire finally!
At least that’s subtler than the “Ring a ding ding! Awooooogha! Hubba Hubba! Bow Chika Bow Wow.” sign I saw near some apple pies in 1999.
So I’m assuming a “food hall” is a modern, more expensive version of what I’ve always known as a “food court?”
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
I prefer how it works on the Switch and 3DS. It just downloads the update straight into it’s final destination and it just “works”.
I don’t follow the popular musics of today , and don’t know her ..but looking at the top picture ,she looks like late 90s Alanis Morissette cosplaying as early 2000s Michael Jackson..
I’m not gonna lie; it swayed me a little bit toward him when I read Andrew Yang’s book and he talked (very briefly, like, a blip) about his Starcraft days in the ‘90s/early 2000s.
30 years from now I will be judging the president on his or her favorite game choices and their answer better be as good as St. Vincent’s.
Yeah, I looked it up but thank you though. Just seemed like something that should have been mentioned here.