
In a superhuman effort that will surely rival Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, I will somehow play a game of Crusader Kings II to completion.

Not only did he run, but he could also end said run with a fucking clothesline and blasting the ever loving PISS out of you.

This remake (if done at LEAST equally right as RE2) is going to be one for the ages. It’s on my “top games to get a remake” wishlist, with good company like Crystalis, Def Jam Fight for New York,

The first sentence of the article says this.

Alternatively, Amazon could vet their fucking sellers. They’re the billion dollar retail company...not me.

Sounds like a camp counselor's Amazon delivery. 

Drink until you go to sleep tonight.  Then mimosa’s in the morning.  You are not starting drinking, you are continuing. Carry on. 

He has a long way to go. For me personally, I don’t think he can be redeemed at this point.

You get an extra $5 off if you already own the HD version, but yea, still need to buy it again. Perfectly worth the $15 in my opinion though. 

Because the people with the talent, vision, and integrity are not the people with bankrolling this monstrosity in the first place.

Man those quotes are such garbage.

a) he cheated so he should get banned

I really wish there was some sort of sports and politics combo to discuss this madness further! Or one take on it on the sports page, and another on the politics page!

...say, you’ve had a stressful day and can’t read your favorite sports blog because it’s been destroyed from the inside out.

We’re no strangers to blogs. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of. You wouldn’t get this from any other site.

“After all, these are the people that put out skyrim.”

C-3PO dyingis a fake out, JJ’s not going to give away a moment like that in a trailer.

And what’s wrong with Loom exactly? Go play Loom.

“It’s Sar-DO! No ‘Mister.’ Accent on the ‘Do.’”

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