In a vain attempt to spice up their love life, this was the last thing Craig Ehlo remembers his wife wearing.
Huh. I must have the 2016 Marlin Park Legends of Wrestling schedule. It says Demolition is scheduled to appear.
I'm just surprised Tracy Morgan can walk around the locker room looking like THAT without Terrell Suggs beating him.
If he's trying to distance himself from Rodriguez, he should stop his "A-Rod Experience" promotion where he gives you a 5 Hour Energy drink to get an immediate boost, only to die prematurely.
There is something to what he said about Ray's speeches. They're kind of like the old Ultimate Warrior promos where he just uses words like "destiny," "responsibility," "obligation," "circumvent," "serendipitous," "opportunity," "elevated levels of agression," "high blood pressure," "liver damage," "depression," and…
Can anyone with knowledge comment on if they think the "tax bomb" awaiting IBR student loan folks will be waived with the upcoming budget? Me in 2030 is already freaking the fuck out.
So what's the difference between a Sugarpova Pop and your shitty, run of the mill candy?
+1. Love it
Yeah, I don't think that dumb bitch you met in a bar eating chicken wings saying she was vegan, was a good representation.
Fellow Pirate fan. I'm rooting against them because I can't handle this.
I really don't understand why people do this. Sit in a car in the summer. It goes from 68 to 15,000 degrees in about five minutes. I did it for about a minute and started panicking before realizing I had opposable thumbs.
When Delonte West was with the Cavs, he briefly thought he had switched hands. Turns out, he had just woken up next to LeBron's mom.
Lorkowski Suitmate 1: Yo, don't go in there. Chad brought a girl home.
Before I bid, how can I be sure these are actually Andrew Shaw's stitches, and not the Complete Charlie Villanueva Body Hair Collection?
"Thanks to some hoopla handed to us by the NFL, we’re out of business.
Cunningham is really dedicated to this abstinence thing. When he's slumping at the plate, he shoves his bat up his own ass.