Almond took no joy in this fight.
Almond took no joy in this fight.
lighten up, Francis
You must be fun at parties.
In my defense:
That's not what power is. Power and status are stable characteristics that are socially conferred. In other words, how powerful I am isn't about how powerful I momentarily feel in a given situation, it has to do with my place in society. If I'm a waiter at Olive Garden and I tell Robert Johnson there's a 60 minute…
You're missing the point.
I have to say something about HR. HR doesn't exist for the employee/s it exists to protect the company. Sure they may be able to mediate or correct some issue but that's a side effect of their existence. Be very careful and tread lightly when dealing with HR or it may backfire.
Considering the chemical makeup of lithium, I'd say Suarez gets a taste of his own medicine every time he breaks a sweat.
I'm not Gonzo, but I can think of a few reasons.
No. Not seriously.
Is that the Wraith?
For some reason I don't think you guys love the Beretta Pace Car, do you?
So she's supposed to stop living her life because an accident happened?
Just where do you get your information from there, Spin Boy? Ancient alien re-runs of Mystery Science Theater 3000? Hey, I'm the illegal space alien that taught them everything they know over at the metal-particulate, high-density, mercury plasma division of Lockheed, so don't try to con me. My original design called…
Yes, I too often believe three impossible things before breakfast.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...