
Here is a man I could pledge my heart to.

I, for one, think this device looks fantastic - bezel be damned!

It's Jamie from The Mythbusters!

In other words; UPS just sentenced an innocent man to be placed on a US Government watch list.

Every day some bullshit headline on the internet tells me to BE AMAZED or I WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED or THIS WILL MOVE YOU. You never are, and you never do.

And its like the Lenovo Yoga just copied the design from the Apple Wireless Keyboard and Magic Trackpad.

"Our security team which monitors the shower facilities had a minor accident while reviewing the footage."

Now playing

In honor of this amazing flamingo, may I give to you the best thing about flamingos I have ever seen. May you have all the shrimp you can eat in flamingo heaven, Greater.

What if...her clothes were given to her by the production crew and she now takes responsibility just because it's convenient for them (scapegoat)? That way, she can keep her job and the others won't have to concern themselves with the incident. In Japanese culture, people don't often doubt their superiors because it's


Skittles? M&Ms? Ew...
Here in Canada we have GOOD candy.

Can you create custom kinect commands like "Xbox, give me my money back?"

Is this posting from 20 years ago? Arsenio still has a show?

In related breaking news, blockbuster shockingly still exists.

ok wtf? The dude at the beginning speaking chinese is both the best and the strangest part of the video, believe it or not. Here's what he says:

No no no no.
They are TRYING to be the next worst video.
The man in the Ugly Panda Suit is disturbing on Many levels.
JAPANESE Geishas in a song about Chinese food song by a blonde white girl? Oh this is going to make so many people angry for many reasons... But I guess thats the point and it'll get 100,000,000 views.