
I still want to like Meghan. Let me TRY.

Certainly not up to the author's previous sterling work, including such gems as:

Yeah... I am not down with how he phrased this. I am totally cool with the whole "that's not your shit, kid, it's mine" philosophy to material goods "owned" by children. But I do not like how he said it.

Keep in mind you are listing the foods that are culturally forbidden in American, and in now way is this an international, actual genetic based science.

Now playing

I am not down in general with Demi Lovato's ouvre, but I will defend 'Who's That Boy' to the death.

Confusion. From most celeb rags my understanding is if I see a celebrity eat an actual meal she must be pregnant. How do I resolve this cognitive dissonance?

Womb sleuthing weirds me out for several reasons. First, who cares. Second, what if the person was pregnant and had a miscarriage? They don't owe the public an explanation. Third, what if they're trying and trying and it's not happening? I went through infertility, I sure as HELL would not want to do it in the public

Lindy I always love your song choices they always bring me back to high school.

Fitting a quote from the Sopranos into a piece about Beyonce? The goddess that is Julianne Moore? As usual, Lindy, you do spoil us so.

North Americans are way too obsessed with celebrities. Be that as it is, there is no reason why they shouldn't be obsessed with whether celebrities are pregnant or not. As such "but I seriously do not get the appeal of obsessive celebrity womb-sleuthing", coming from someone who writes column about celebrities'

Uh oh...I do hope it wasn't your hand I speared with my spike heel. But you now hard hard it is to walk when you've had your pinky toes removed. But damn my feet looked good in those shoes.

I was the serf laying the petals at your feet!!!

Although I'm still trying to figure out where the fuck she would found sparkle fabric in medieval Scotland.

I'm going to tell you something that might shock you. Are you ready? You may need to sit down. The big secret that no one wants you to know is...

Just for sake of argument, if she was wearing a corset to go with the dress, wouldn't that give her the appearance of tinier waist and by contrast of chest to waist, only the appearance of bigger boobs. As for no bow and arrow, you don't need to have a weapon to be a warrior. Who's to say Merida on right couldn't

I don't know. When I had my coronation I know I spent a year undergoing plastic surgery, lap band and hair transplants.

She didn't lose her weapons! She didn't have a weapon in ONE photo and people clung to it. On the coronation invitation that Disney created she had her bow, and she had her bow at the coronation. It's just one photo, you can't expect Merida as a character to ALWAYS have her bow and arrows.

I think she lost her weapons cus she's supposed to be at some kind of coronation thing.

Exactly! If she was just sparklier it would have been no big deal.