I expect to see those next year when Nintendo leaves the console business to become a software publisher.
I expect to see those next year when Nintendo leaves the console business to become a software publisher.
Maybe the fact they can't fucking deliver it—to their own "backers"—on day one? That's kind of amateurish, right? http://kotaku.com/late-deliverie…
At this point, why anyone would still "back"—as if that money is actually an investment, instead of a straight-up donation—this amateur-hour console or any of its games is a mystery to me.
It's the opposite. I'm not sure if that weirds me out more or just the same.
That should be a new superhero that promotes gay rights. RAINBOW LASER, he didnt come out of the closet, he f**king disintegrated the building it was in.
Dude, I played GTA IV for 4 years, the game never got boring.
Finally I can have a life by doing things I'll never be able to do in real life.
Allow me to start things off by saying Grand Theft Auto IV lived up to the hype.
Oh look, a reasonable, adult response to an unfortunate situation. How refreshing. Maybe this will catch on. I won't hold my breath.
Can't wait to feed people to the sharks with this song playing on the radio.
Name That GTA V Trailer Track: If you said "Sleepwalking" by The Chain Gang of 1974, you're right! Now kick back in your deck chair, turn up the volume, and enjoy.
hmm I was hoping for a $75 price drop. At this price it isn't day one of the price drop but when a game I want comes (there are other that I already want but not enough for a $300 purchase).
I don't think I'm willing to pay more than $199 on a sub-par machine...
-=Maybe=- $250 whenever a new Zelda game gets released (Wind Waker HD doesn't count), but probably not.
This guy deserves a Medal of Honor for answering the Call of Duty in the Battlefield.
I used this argument more than once, but I'll use it again:
You people have been spoiled by the illusion of choice and depth from games like Mass Effect. This isn't an RPG. You're not the protagonist. It's not your job to have "player narrative input". It's your job to sit down, listen to a story that isn't about you,…
yea im not buying a ps3 at the end of it's life cycle... 200$ + 60$ to play a single game once, and it'll probably be finished in 8 hours or less. No thanks.
and that NEW/BLUE one? Yikes, looks like they had a toddler model it.