Warren Plummer

Ignorance at its best.

Destroy the games just to make him look like an ass and not let the terrorist win.

Anyone else think she kind of looks like Elizabeth?

So.... I don't understand....

I think they would rather have their time back.

This is seriously what is being written about at Kotaku. Like it has to be a slow day for this to happen right? This was another pointless article on this site.

hahahahaha. So much win

Well... You're half right. It started on Windows AND playstation so that kind of defeats the rest of your point. I think you just need to be patient. We know they had issues with the console version of GTA online launch so I'm they want to get that settled before attempting a PC version of GTA online and what not. We

I think what people are missing is that Rockstar wants to make sure its online play has as few bugs as possible on the console version before releasing an online version that will have even more people try to login. They want to fix the first problem before opening up a ton of other problems. So just be patient it

I see what you did there.

Its really funny to me that he had absolutely no response to you. At least say something like fuck you... or ok you're right I'm a judgmental ass.... Something? Nothing.

I came home and listened/watched it again and I have changed my previous opinion of this just being ok. This is actually a really great song/video combo for him. A lot of his alter ego slim shady came out in this. Hopefully we see more of this in the future Eminem.

Its not just the Republicans fault its both sides. Mostly Obama though.

Edit: This is just my opinion and if you don't agree that's fine. No skin off my back.

The fact that no one is addressing the bigger issue here is what saddens me. Why are the parents not teaching their kids to follow the rules and not be dishonest. One of the kids admitted it "we're highschoolers" THAT ISN'T AN EXCUSE TO THROW AWAY TECHNOLOGY THAT COULD HAVE BETTERED YOUR FUTURE. They don't want to

With all the possibilities of future content and progression. I have a feeling it will stay up there for a little longer than 25 minutes.

STOP! Stop creating characters. Yes it sucks not being able to play but anyone who is competent knew and understood it would have problems. Wait a day or two for them to work on this and when they fix it. In theory your toon will come back from the dead(cloud server) but the more toons you create the more the cloud

If there are any 360 Gamers looking for a crew to join and run with you are more than welcome to add me on xbox 360. Gamertag: BathsaltxAddict

I'm more of a PC Gamer so correct me if I'm wrong but I heard from someone who is a console gamer that it isn't backward compatible. Its far to late(early in CA) for me to actually care about doing the research so is that accurate information or am I mistaken?

Well I now have a new band to create a station for on Pandora. Thank you Mr. Person!