
Oh, the chills down mi spine with that noise!!!

The trolley question is stupid.

Quick question!! Please, I need to know if the IAC valve from a 4.0 would work on a 5.2 magnum v8!!

I knew it.

Take that back, you heathen!!

I dunno... all im saying is that it looks like they got it stuck intentionally.

Please snap them and share! Get in there, take pictures from the interior, underbody, etc.

You know, those tow hooks have to be tested at some point...

I got two:

Thanks! Now I have Norm’s voice in mi head, he is describing everything I do and everything I type.

Err... you don’t buy a Corvette to compensate your age, you buy Corvette to compensate your tiny dick...

Nice... burn...

Please tell me you do international shipping... please... (fingers crossed)

Well, if you have asked this yesterday between 18:48 and 20:34, I would have been me...

What a lovely, lovely ceiling...

IF for some reason the engine can run again, you still have to consider you need a new wiring harness...

You need to lift them. ASAP.

What you did...

What are those?? 14"???

Bimotore Stradale