
This jalop is onto something...

“Some" character is the word... and the Model 3 interior looks like its made out of bathroom tiles...

That looks as inspiring as an Operation Room...

Oh snap!

Never eat burritos before a Race Walk race...

What Cherokee? Couln't see it

I would LOOOVE to take a car, wrap it with some swirly camo, carboard wrapped in vinyl, and then just drive around some place where these photographers like to hang out waiting for prototypes. Then just enjoy having my regular car featured un car magazines/websites.

It looks like a giant red...


I see you are not stranget to pain...

Sometimes, its just nice to feel the wind blowing on your nuts...

Thanks for not posting someone in furry costume!

“The Flying Dutchman”, starring Steve Buscemi...

285/70 R17!!

1st gear: Can someone get prison time over this?

I don’t see any drones here and I don't think I deserve to eat a hellfire. That ain't funny.

Did they take those friggin’ pictures out of a goddam’ chopper??? DAMN, those spy shots must be proffitable!!! I’m quittin’ my job after lunch!! Anyone can teach me how to operate one of those “dslr” thingies?? Must be soon ‘cause im rentin’ a chopper tomorrow, all day. Paying with Visa! No worries, I’m gonna make a

What about a steering failure? Could a tie rod snap and making both wheels pointing at different directions? It happened to me once (dont ask). The wheel on the inside of the curve went completely left and I steered to compensate, making the car go straight. That situation might push the ABS to the limit, which could

One of my life goals is owning a Jeep Wrangler. Most people wouldn't understand...

If the president doesnt show up soon, it means they got him. Or that they, you know... whacked him.