
Holy Shit....

Is it me or most of these autopilot crashes happen while people are seated in the Model X? Says a lot about the kind of people who buy SUVs...

You are doing the lord’s work. Cthulhu must be pleased.

Go away with your science and facts, you left side of the road truther!! No country in the world drives on the left side, thats a mith, like the apollo missions or like the earth is round! Nonsense!!

I'm pretty sure he was driving on wrong side of the road...

I use the following methods:

Thanks! I appreciate your advice!

Its not a Ford engine, but at some point im going to have to rebuild my Magnum 318. I have done all kinds of suspension work to my Jeep, brakes, cooling, fluids. Last week I did the water pump, but I didn’t do the timing chain because I didn’t have enough time (I needed to get my Jeep running ASAP). Is an engine

Oh, thats cold!!

It floated pretty well the firsr 5-10 seconds, I thought it was going to make it.

Dat Mitsu-San.

You are going to have to make due with Little Caprice..

So, its kind of like having blue balls??


Effin’ awesome!! And somebody cleaned up his wikipedia page really well!!

1 star for the old jalops that are still lurking!!!!!!

Before I even read the title, I noticed the wood paneling and I thought “what on earth is Jason up to right now?!”

Nope, try blind luck.

Are they planning to carpet bomb the entire fanbase with this empty shit? A show of a show? A take of a take? Ah joke of a joke? Who the fuck comes up with these ideas? Are they laying off people from CSI????