
Easy. Get a job in a multimillon dollar company and just pretend that you know what you are doing. Talk loud and make sure everyone can hear you. When you fuck-up, blame it on somebody else or a different department that had nothing to do with whatever you just fucked-up. Be patient, do a lot of nothing and in 5 years

I think it was already hit when the camera starts filming and the bangs before the big explosion are secondaries leading to the big one.

Holy Shit...


Why not have them jump from the wings? I bet you can rivet a handle for the jumpers! I mean, a couple of wholes in a A-10 wing? Ppfft, no biggie!!

Poop stains on the windshield!!

oh, you can call that movie...

Im calling it: it has a handlebar mustashe!

wouldn't it be easier to just under inflate the tires so when they heat up the pressure is just right so it doesn't bubble the thread outward????

This is all part of the smoke screens Putin and Russia have been pulling for a few years now. Just diverting the attention and then slipping something under the table or on the side.

Nah, you get plenty of time to do that when you get married and have kids.

I was looking for this, thank you.

Andrew, the northern part of the Chilean Section of the Panamericana is, like you said, boring. With paved roads, your worst enemy is boredom.

Thats seems pretty reasonable. Maybe based on the R8 platform, but with the V8 missing in the Audis.

I, for one, would like to point out this is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.

esta muy sexy... "Super Veloce" se lo voy a hacer como un dragón...

it looks like a poop stain.

Just stating the obvious, in case someone missed it: