
Funny, but when I wrote that i actually saw it white and gold. But later i looked at it again and now i see it black and blue!! when i looked at it again i didnt have much light in the room, while the first time it was the middle of the day.

Im going to take some time to settle one thing, once and for all:

yeah... on top of the pain of the broken femur, theres also the pain of, you know, a bone hitting your balls... from the inside...

It's a Badonkadonk.

dont let Torch watch this...

I live in a desert. We only have two seasons here: the Hot one... and the Not so Hot one.

can someone photoshop a ford focus on the front end of that thing? maybe even a civic or a hyundai elantra?

This reminded me of a neighbour couple we used to have.

From here... Saudi Arabia seems like a medieval hell-hole.

the trick is to find someone to write such article...

i know that feel, bro..

mother of god, how is that even possible? I mean, its gotta start somewhere, but the motherfuckin' trunk and the brake light???

I came looking for this.

its "wanker".

HDP... !

I have a theory.

if it goes to the US, would it be available worldwide??

im glad you liked the truck culture we have. I just want to point out a couple of things: