
The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

Microsoft and Sony didn’t offer rewards programs analogous to Club Nintendo. Anything looks better when its closest competition is literally “nothing”.

If you’ve played Counter Strike, you’d know this isn’t dumb luck. Most high level CS play is map awareness and enemy awareness (knowing when enemies are going to be in certain places) based on practicing on the same maps over and over. Plus he needs to have extremely good aim to know exactly where to place his cursor

How old is he? 12?

mixed signals! (I know you can have your own opinions on topics)

Uhh, no, the last time would be the iPad and the iPhone 3G/3GS and they were tremendously successful.

Use some periods for Christ’s sake.

“You don’t want to know how much it cost to ship it to Maryland,” the owner wrote.

So refunds were almost impossible before, and now they are possible. No shit the “statistics” are going show an uptick when you compare now to then. Buyers can now do a thing they couldn't, the statistics show them doing that thing

It’s free!

A tiny picture that’s completely optional and in no way affects your gameplay. If this gave a competitive advantage then I’d get being outraged, but this is just so easy to ignore.

Not even all that fucked up, considering this doesn’t affect gameplay at all and can be completely ignored.

except post secondary schooling is a guaranteed thing. a card game with a chance to win money, is not.

I for one approve of no flying. The taxi’s are faster, automatic, and they allow you to do something else during flight.

Stop using that meme. You dont know how to do it properly.

A surrender option is the one thing I really, really hope is never added. The games are already (usually) shorter than any LoL or Dota game, and people have a tendancy to just give up after one or two bad early teamfights, when in reality HotS is a game where a bad series of engages can be completely reversed by one

I might actually give a shit about MOBA games now. Since there’s one out there that’s actually, y’know, fun.

Pre-order bonuses in general are dumb, but this is just classic out of touch Nintendo.

They’re also still charging 15 dollars a month with additional micro transactions on a ten year old game that you already have to dump money into the base game with five expansions to play. They’re going to have to have either a sequel or a new business model at some point. Who can justify that much money for one game?

... are you guys kidding? Only some nerd would get "addicted" to weed. This is why I never go to nerd parties, there's never any good drugs and too many internet references. I can only assume most nerds are bitter because no one in their right mind would share trees with the uptight asshole in history who always has