
Complaining about clicking to move in a top down RPG? Must be lots of "Bro-gamers" in here.

Massive Accomplishment?

Pretty much covers it.

The biggest difference is in BF3 I can (legitimately) top the scoreboard literally without a single kill, or negative ratio at that. Medic revives, ammo drops, repairs, captures, bomb planting. And it's not just if everyone else performs poorly, you get rewarded for participating in the game, suppression points,

Sure the games are there. But how would you play them? Is there an on-screen keyboard, is there support for an external keyboard? if it is an on-screen keyboard doesnt that minimize your screen space?

I'll just leave this here:

I was thinking the same thing, how do these companies know(or assume) the contracted pricing they get on these parts?

I dont know if im the only one but my experience has been better than im reading everywhere. I got the game 2-3 nights ago. Upon launching the game I notice the box saying dont use quick join, so I continue to take about 60 sec to get myself familiar with the server brower. Narrow my results down to only US e and

I tend to agree with you. Black ops single player was terribly mediocre. The multiplayer was more than playable (although overhyped) FPS games deserve two reviews when they have AAA multiplayer focus.

HoN has leveling system, weekly new champions, and a decent leaver system. It took Dota and many of the original heroes that everyone loved and got rid of many of the pointless abilities and added to it. It has better graphics and animations than dota and it doesnt have to cartoon-neon look that LoL has.

Hon, As well as the original DotA. If you have played all 3 played LoL feels like your computer is having framerate issues, the gameplay is just so much slower. Additionally they dont introduce the goofy summoner talents/bonuses all you have to be concerned with is your hero's skillset their items and the map. LoL I

LoL may have the most subs, but I certainly don't think it has done the genre best. That's like saying Runescape is amazing because a lot of people play it.

Blizzard: "Here's a free side of heroine to go with your cocaine."

I have to admit, I play the 360 version. it's riddled with a bit of bugs, most arent game-breaking, some you have to jump back to dashboard and re-launch.

Interesting, not one ive seen yet. Ive seen other weird ones other than what I listed, the other more common one I see is sound almost going down to mute, and my entire screen going blue(until death). But those are just my two biggest, the first making the beta very unplayable at times.

Im loving it, even with the bugs. Amazing how fun 1 map can be(it's huge). If I could ask them to focus on 2 major bugs it would be incredible.


So I checked some conversion rates (correct me if im wrong) 1,000,000 baht is something like 32,000 dollars! Prices are right up there with plastic surgery, except this seems like 100% labor.

*Looking at 2nd to last picture* That satellite has balls.

Thats still kind of pathetic. With most jobs if you worked 1-3 days (depending on wage) you could get enough to buy a new 360 and yes, you would be working but 8 hours a day for those amount of days is less than 8 days.