
There is a shield that regenerates when you take lightning dmg, go farm it and boom, you can do killavolt without him even touching your health

I ran into the same situation on Killavolt but barely squeaked by without a death.

The worst for me was dying to The Rampager when it legitimately had 2% life left. It kept instakilling my FL4K pet.

ya he is kind of tough first play through, once you get the Transformer shield drop he can even do damage to you, actually gives you shields if he tries to hurt you :)

These awards are just an enormous marketing event. Taking them seriously is an exercise in futility at best, much like the Oscars, and I say that as someone who absolutely LOVED Death Stranding (not the best game this year, though: that would be Disco Elysium).

Yeah, I think it’s definitely the worst bioshock but I don’t consider it bad.   

there has still been zero guarantee from anyone that the additional profit goes to the developer rather than publisher’s pockets. If developers have been able to make games with the 30% cut, why would publishers feel the need to increase their pay while keeping their own pay the same? How does that appeal to

You don’t find that there’s a bit of a contradiction in what Xbox has been doing recently, acquiring lots of studios to build exclusives, and then going there and saying “we don’t care what you play on!”... and dodging the question about exclusive Xbox games on another platform?

This guy is like a politician: he’ll

I read that it does come with all DLC.

I mean there has to be a balance, yes it’s usually better not to show things sooo far ahead, but if the house is already on fire because the fans cannot wait anymore without news, then you need to water things down doing what you necessarily want to do.

One of the more disappointing, though not wholly unsurprisingly, things about Avengers: Endgame is how little screen time Danai Gurira’s Okoye gets—especially considering the story is ostensibly about the new generation of Marvel heroes stepping up to the plate after the events of Infinity War.

Your eyes might be rose coloring things a bit too a degree as well. I sure did and it was nice to see a comparison like this to set me back in the proper starting point.

D.. did I watch different videos? These are akin to episode synopsis, hardly explaining anything. Heck, episode 1 talked about Riku fighting Sora at the end and then episode 2 starts with a random shining Mickey shining the narration talks about friends trapped in the darkness? Also, nothing about the main quest of

The thing is though, when you consider how huge Pokemon is these days, and then compare this to something like Dragon Quest XI, it almost looks laughable in comparison. This isn’t pushing the Switch hardware at all. It even only runs at 30fps, which is mind boggling considering what it’s doing from a technical

i guess i should have been more clear. the idiots are the ones complaining. if you feel you got your money’s worth, more power to you.

The more I see posts like this, the more I realize a lot of these long-term games aren’t meant to be obsessed over and drained of every iota of blood until there’s nothing left.

The only people who are saying that are people who haven't played the game. There's a difference between looking similar and being a re-skin. 

Hmm, this might be interesti- Oh. It’s a video. Nevermind then.

for those too lazy or unable to watch video.

For Serious Sam, yes.

Queue the sorts of people I will never understand: the types who won’t play a game if it’s first person/third person and will only play the opposite. I get having a preference but great games exist in both.