
I may be wrong, but I’m assuming you’re thinking of Dragon Quest XI, which doesn’t have Switch version announced (yet). I’d imagine the Switch version of DQX (and the PS4 version for that matter) will look pretty much like the Wii U version.

That was my first thought upon seeing that this cult apparently actively subjugates the town against the townpeople’s will. What’s the story excuse for the government allowing it to happen?

The Jackal

I’d reconsider if it was a Malkavian as well, personally.

Well, if they want to do a women-only screening, all the more power to them, doesn’t bother me.

In a little-known series called “Shadow Hearts”, the first game has two endings: Save the protagonist’s love interest, or fail and she dies. The follow-up, Covenant, went with her dying.

I like how you complain about them but apparently still spent 80 bucks on this one event

It’s an action game, yeah. It’s also (in my opinion) a terrible game, so I’ll keep my expectations for this extremely low :p

That too, plenty of entertaining people who struggle to get over 100 viewers consistently, a few lucky ones who rocket to the 1000s quickly.

Technically, streaming’s easy. The hard part is being entertaining and engaging enough to gain an audience.

Depends how large the playable areas of the planets are, as well as how much there is to do within them. I’ll reserve judgement on that point.

Conversely, Roadhog can kill Reaper just as easily, making Roadhog a fine counter to Reaper. :p

Grinding won’t do much good in these games in the first place, the amount of exp you get is drastically lower once you get to the level they intend for the area you’re in :p

To be fair, you know about as much about Kevin at the end of SC as you knew about Estelle at the start of FC.

I dunno, when you reveal a game, the public generally expects it to release relatively soon. Not to mention that early on, vision changes and delays can be drastically bigger than near the end of a project.

Most streamers (or at least every streamer I know of) don’t actually use the built-in streaming function, they use capture cards and OBS, so the PS4 going “you can’t share this” doesn’t bother them at all.

If you didn’t get a single percentage and the enemy team did, you deserved the loss.

I mean, I’ve seen a 250k bit donation on a big channel. That’s $2.5k (a bit more for the purchaser even, because it’s not counting Twitch’s cut).

I suppose that’s one way to fight it, I went further with my Tremors knowledge and threw a bomb on the sand, detonating it after the Molduga ate it. :p

I’d imagine the number of people who are interested in this game but can’t understand English or Japanese is somewhere between “staggeringly low” and 0.