People care about spoilers in Pokémon? :p
People care about spoilers in Pokémon? :p
Honestly, I’d rather have a paid expansion than a free couple of new tilesets added to the game. Especially on a 20th anniversary that’s just lackluster.
Hate is a strong word, I simply didn’t like it much and moved on before finishing it.
“planet” doesn’t imply anything about the size either, everybody for some reason thinks it’ll be multiple zones and instances, but for all we know they could make our visit to Argus as small as the isle of quel’thalas or tanaan jungle, AKA nothing new.
My copy of Trails of Cold Steel 2 just arrived a week early (Europe), so that’ll have my full attention for the coming days (and beyond?)
It helps that voice acting in general is just so much bigger in Japan. Nothing against the English voice actors, and I have no issue with good dubs, but the voice acting industry in the west just doesn’t compare.
Dang, you got me all figured out.
Shhh, don’t tell people ‘round these parts you prefer the Japanese dub. They’ll start calling you a weeaboo and insist English voices are objectively better.
Uh, plenty of people. Disregarding the whole 30 vs 60 argument which I’m not gonna get into, the Duscae demo had frequent framerate drops that were noticable and kind of annoying. Not unplayable, but I’m glad they managed a more stable framerate.
There’s a wait mode? How does that work in a real-time combat system? :p
Kind of amusing because it’s like 2 weeks after the same publisher released a shooter that has a $60 season pass.
Was gonna say, pretty sure I fought Red in Pokémon Gold.
Finally my waiting for a PS4 release has been justified. I was closer and closer to just getting the PS3 releases.
Uh, all new PS4 games will still run on the first PS4. The Pro only runs them better.
I saw the size of the thing, which is enough of an indication to me as to how powerful it’ll be, because Nintendo ain’t making a 700 dollar console.
Impressive? For a handheld, sure. A 2017 home console, not really. But that’s not the point I was making either way. I’m just saying I’ll be surprised if this gets triple A multi-plat games that aren’t re-releases/remasters of older games.
Skyrim’s an old game at this point, it’s unlikely to get new multi-plat games because once again it’s going to be an underpowered console, especially now that it’s handheld.
Taken down from the main website, maybe. Once it’s out there, you can’t get rid of it.
I mean, my options are 1) Pre-order game, usually about 10 euro below retail price, find game in my mail on the day of release
I always wonder where all these crazies are who throw gold and items at female avatars without even knowing if they’re female in real life. I’ve never met any of them and my MMO characters are always female.