
I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan. I consumed the Dark Horse comics, many of the novels, and so on.

I want to see this argument roll out in a current situation: "Well, yes officer, I did kidnap this person, but I have been treating them very well. Well, yes, they've been doing all my chores for me and sure, if dinner isn't on the table at 6 a beating is in order, but I put this roof over their head. Well, yes I do

because our belief that the United States was founded as a righteous nation founded by god to give light to the world kind of falls apart when half of our history centers around oppressing other people.

Religion gave them the same thing it always gives the underclasses - a fairy story that tells them to STFU and take it, they’ll get their reward eventually.

Good fucking gravy.

Religion gave ​slaves a sense of self worth and a hope for ​salvation in this life and the next