I thought of Freddie Mercury as well. Glad I wasn't the only one.
I thought of Freddie Mercury as well. Glad I wasn't the only one.
It's free, functional, and entirely optional. No reason to complain IMHO.
HAW! Loved this.
Awww, I LOVE this. I bet this technique is gonna pop up all over the internet now, and I look forward to it!
Every time I see a post about a game that seems interesting and deals with mature subject matter I think to myself "This game will never see the light of day because the article will link to a kickstarter page". I click on it, read it, and there is the link.
I just gotta say... Cap's shield should be on his back while he drives his motorcycle. There. I feel better now.
I would completely agree with that, especially the proportions, but I thought the director said they used a bear physique for reference. Maybe he meant a bear was used for movement reference.
Wait... It's been some eight months since I beat the main game, but SPOILERS I could swear I remember there being some Firefly notes and/or recordings at the end that Joel can find that implies that there have been other immune like Ellie but all of their attempts to find a cure killed those people and resulted in…
So the characters got in the way of all your killing? You miiiight be a sociopath.
Nice. I enjoyed reading this.
Why are they treating an overpriced demo like its a gaming event? I still expect a backlash at retail when people buy it unaware of what it really is, then return it very unhappy. That negativity will impact the sales of Phantom Pain. If they really wanted to promote Phantom Pain they should have released this for…
HA, that video brought back memories! The robot gorilla! The robot hawk (I remembered the robot panther but forgot about the bird)! I'm so ready for the new game. I was before, but this gave that extra nostalgia boost, just like they intended. I'm bummed that amazon got Double-Helix, ensuring that they can't do a…
I had to log in to like this post, and below my login I saw the "remember me" box, and I said "exactly" and checked it. Yes.
Good interview. I liked the questions/answers, Jason. I'm looking forward to this game and I don't even have a 3DS yet. I'm gonna buy a copy and borrow a friend's 3DS to play it until I can get a system for myself. Some of the "sexy" costumes on the chibi characters are off-putting, but otherwise I really love the art…
I LOVED the original Strider back on my Sega Genesis. It really captured my imagination with the gameplay and setting. C'mon, he has a robot panther pet even! I played through it so many times. I'm really excited to get this on XBO. I hope this game is good and sells well to restore Capcom's faith in the franchise.
Being a lifelong John Romita, Jr. fan I'm VERY excited for this. Geoff John's New 52 Aquaman and Green Lantern were fantastic, though his Justice League arcs were very disappointing. I hope this pairing makes Superman readable again. **crosses fingers**
WOW, I LOVE this art style. I wholeheartedly want an open world adventure game that looks like this. We need more coverage of this game in the future please. (Knowing our luck though, its in pre-production and still three years away)
So now that we have large widescreen HD TVs we get to play a narrow vertically oriented game, and waste all that extra screen space on both sides. WHY? Cuz TETRIS.
I'll give this a try. I hope the classic suit is not locked behind a pay-wall. The Batman Arkham Origins free mobile game had the Batman Beyond suit, which was exclusive to the mobile game (not in the console version, though it was in Arkham City) for $52.00. They recently unlocked it for free, but REALLY, that takes…
Anyone else wondering if they will have an unlockable alternate skin to make him look like the original Robocop?