
So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.

They don’t actually care about preventing abortions, the goal is to control women.

Really truly love hearing right wingers blame lack of government support for their faults...same faults that would lie under all that “personal responsibility “ everyone else is supposed to have in abundance...

This was my thought too. Sarah Palin has insisted that well trained gun owners should be able to have access to guns. But she can’t deny that her children had good training, and spent their lives hunting (or she would have to say that she was a bad gun owner). He was in the military and got even MORE training. And

Bless your heart.

Hey, hey, hey, there were also hostages to consider. But seriously, I suspect OP doesn’t know a fucking thing about Iran-Contra.

Hey now, let’s not get caught up in pesky historical record.

I suspect you’re an idiotic troll who doesn’t care, but on the off chance that you’re just too young and lazy to learn anything about history, I might remind you that there was a little thing under Reagan called the “Iran-Contra affair” that was literally the United States illegally negotiating with terrorists.

We didn’t get any further than making out in this dream, though dream-me was sure thinking about it... And thank goodness for that, because while I was making out with Alice Cooper, he turned into a large black panther.

Are you going to let that hold you back for the rest of your life?

I so want somebody to talk about the need of more gun control that I do not care.

Hey everyone is distracted by yet another mass shooting, let’s defund PP!

And how many mass shootings has Norway had again?

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

Yeah the big assumption is that women can just enforce a sex strike on a whim. Like, we just decided not to have sex or get raped starting Tuesday. If women couldn't enforce sex with consent before, how can they enforce a strike? Bullshit Spike. Learn your movements.

Can’t tell if trolling, but....

We would rather believe this is an outlier case of a “crazy person doing an exorcism” than acknowledge the pervasiveness of violence against women.

Based on many of my friends’ stories about coming of age in Texas evangelical communities, I thought anal sex was a prominent part of abstinence-only education!?!

While I agree that most often times honesty is the best policy, fuck that guy for calling you damaged goods.

I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world