
Can we also talk about how it's not sexual violence prevention to talk to women about "how not to get raped?"

When I was studying abroad in college I did far less studying than exploring. In fact, I almost never went to class. I traipsed around my city, I read lots of books, I took trips to other countries. Study though? I did that for about three days immediately before I had to take finals which determined whether or not I

Much like the rest of this conversation I was having with sugarhill, I think you maybe do not have a very good understanding of the difference between primary prevention programs and community education programs. A "teaching someone not to rape class" is not a one-time class in a locker room with someone yelling

Okay, I think we're talking about two different things here. A one-shot, one session class on rape is NOT sexual violence prevention. At best, that's community education, and should be focused on information about community based resources for survivors. What I am talking about is comprehensive, wrap-around primary

Body integrity? Um, that's not sexual violence prevention. But thanks for playing.

You must not have been working with a very effective program then, if you're that jaded.

And P.S. Just because you put something in capital letters, or you know shout it in real life, doesn't make your argument on an article about a community's take-away from Steubenville being about better cultivation of online presence any more valid. Part of the problem with getting into communities to teach about

I teach classes on both to middle and high school students (I run a violence prevention education program). I still feel like the "not raping people" piece is a bit more necessary and urgent than the "don't get caught being an idiot on the internet piece." Yes, they're both needed. It's important to understand the

Great, yes. That's an important lesson. But I think there's a bit more of a sense of urgency and immediacy around teaching people NOT TO RAPE OTHER PEOPLE. Don't you? Sort of, you know, the bigger, more pressing issue.

I find it way too close to slut-shaming for my comfort.

I'm not saying Jezebel support all things every women does. What I'm questioning is their choice to mock and attack a woman in the exact same base, unoriginal ways everyone attacks any woman always for owning their sexuality. It's not sexy enough. She's too sexual. She makes us uncomfortable because she's capitalizing

I really dislike the mean-girling that's going on here. Is she doing this in the classiest way possible? Absolutely not. But it's kind of bullshit that a feminist-leaning blog, who regularly discusses empowerment, promotes healthy sexuality, discusses porn as something that people shouldn't clutch their pearls over,

That's good to hear. I'm still in the "dating a lot of people who aren't quite right phase" and have been sort of thinking, oh god, maybe my standards are too high, or maybe I'm a judgmental bitch who's going to die alone surrounded by her cats. It's good to be validated that it's possible to meet the right person,

Cosigned. I stopped drinking a little short of a year ago, and had the same problem with AA. I'm not powerless. I don't have an absurdly inflated ego (even though I do think I'm pretty awesome, it took me a long time to gain what most call confidence). I felt like shit when I was drinking, and did so in an unhealthy

That doughnut is an Old Dirty Bastard: Raised yeast doughnut with chocolate frosting, Oreo's™ and peanut butter!

It's from Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland. I think it's their apple fritter.

Tomorrow is the second father's day without my dad. There is no guide. Just do what you can to get through it.

This is the second father's day without my dad. I am SOBBING over here. Excellent piece.

Um. You missed the one in Portland, too. Same day. More people.

Cosign on the BB cream. Or CC cream. Both have sunscreen, and provide coverage like a tinted moisturizer, but with a lot of skin improving qualities. There are some cheaper drugstore brands with lower SPFs (usually 15 or so), if you want to try without it setting you back $25+.