
Don't be so sure; the American left hates her as much as they hated Reagan.

For those as lazy as I.

The Internet never forgets. Never.

I was addressing you, then him, in a half assed way. I'm the goodest riter.

Quite true. At least own up to it rather than writing an indignant article about people that point out the obvious. We get it. Pageviews. Get people to read things. I'm not upset by it in the least; that's the whole point of the headline. But don't you dare get upset by me pointing out what we all implicitly know as

Can't wait for them to ban jumping into the stands.

1000 people on a phone survey does not mean "white people don't want college athletes to be paid." It means that a tiny, self-selected group of people don't want college athletes to be paid, and of that tiny group, the white respondents really don't want them to be paid. Phone surveys are statistically useless and

Methawhat? I'm sorry, I don't do drugs.

They should do what Porsche did in USCR and let another team run it. Maybe Oreca would like to run Vipers again?

1000 respondents, all by phone? Useless, next. Good race-baiting headline though, it got me to actually look into this.

Diesel passenger cars in the US are totally awesome but until the price of fuel and the vehicles makes them more attractive than their gas counterparts I am uninterested.

Beat me to it. The Xsara kit car was 2WD and and won twice overall in 1999. RIP Philippe.

Make it a hatch again with TDI and Quattro and I will run over so many hipsters to buy one the streets will run yellow with PBR.

Don't forget their sister station:

No side pieces? Guess Robbie is going to leave THESE guns at home:

Being that you favor unions I can see your point. However I can also see the point of those who don't, those who are aware of the very same tactics the UAW used to try to convince people to join the union. It was some Republican lawmakers (one very vocal one in particular) vs. a gigantic union with piles of money and

Well too bad, hate speech by private citizens IS legal on government property. It's vile speech, but I defend their rights against anyone that would take them away.

The VW plant has been open for three years and employees already make more on average than a third year union employee. Maybe they don't have a bloated benefits package, though.

Because the best way to teach someone a lesson in traffic flow and safety is attempted vehicular homicide.