
Taxes are fungible and if you think that gas taxes magically go to road maintenance and aren't used for anything else I suggest you read up more on how government works. Electric car owners also pay sales taxes and registration just like everyone else.

I didn't realize getting a better job with a WEC team was "retiring."

Welcome to every new hatchback, where the end is pinched to increase safety at the expense of visibility because reasons. Some rear glass seems to be there purely as an afterthought because rear cameras are still to expensive for econoboxes.

Headline: Slippery wiener gets cold shoulder

I would like to know what flight you were on where mobile service reached the plane. I'd also like to know the correlation between texting and anxiety about flight. Lastly I'd like to know why you didn't alert an attendant instantly.

So if the STI gets a 2.5, what are the chances it's just the same old EJ257 tarted up for a new car?

The race was the 1976 Swedish GP, and Tyrrell finished 30+ seconds ahead of Ferrari with 11 retirements through the race.

"Horacio Pagani, who arguably builds a direct competitor to the P1, was right when he said that the P1 is missing the emotion you expect from it." Edited for clarity. I don't care what Ferrari thinks of the P1, either. Of course Pagani is going to be critical. His bias negates his opinion on the subject.

I'd like to assume so but they're so different no one has even made a conversion plate for them. Hopefully Subaru gets their act together and makes a new 5MT and 6MT that does fit (or pays someone else to make one).

The existing 5MT and 6MT don't even mate up to the new XT's engine. They would have to use the Aisin transmission the BRZ uses which would fly apart in a hot minute.

It could be worse. They could give the turbo model a CVT only because their manual transmission is a crappy off-the-shelf model that they don't trust to handle the torque their engine puts out.

Ah, Links. I remember Links. Looks like you hit the tree, Jim! *sobs quietly over floppy disks*

Of COURSE they could have rolled the dice. It just wasn't politically wise to do so, especially with a huge special interest like the auto union breathing down the neck of a Democrat party that was on a roll.

On another side note, you can grow up with a real shitty childhood, get everything handed to you because of your amazing talent as an adult and still be an asshole.

The problem with diesels isn't that people in America associate them with shitty diesels from 30 years ago. Only Jalops and a few old fogey car people remember those. The problem is the high cost of fuel compared to petrol and the higher cost of diesel cars compared to their exact petrol counterparts. Doing the same

Having now been to COTA for that Six hour race I can see why the WEC chose it. It's much more spectator friendly and easier to get to than Sebring will ever be, and that's not even considering the facilities you have at COTA. Separating the ALMS and WEC races into two was a mistake, though. It should have been one

I believe this is what they call "old man strength" in the sports world.

This is a perfect example of the phrase "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can put its shoes on." Zyodel spent a great deal of time refuting your assertions with actual, factual examples and all you can say in response is a poorly worded sentence fragment responding to his rhetorical question.

Honest, non-sarcastic, not-from-the-right question. If Pat Tillman had died of something else, say, a heart attack on the field during a Cardinals game due to a congenital disorder, would ASU's actions listed in this article be exploitative? That is to say, are their actions outside of Pat Tillman's untimely death and

Nonsense, Afroduck doesn't drive a YELLOW CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!