that turtle fucker is going to be 80 in two years ... modern day Strom Thurman i tell ya.
that turtle fucker is going to be 80 in two years ... modern day Strom Thurman i tell ya.
if you hang with four dummies you’ll be the 5th they say...who they is i’ve no clue but it sounded right.... anyway.... good on you for expecting better of your colleagues.
that irony is downright painful
purity-test, Medicare-for-all motherfuckers” i was sold on just that. star given.
my thought as i watched was “youre going to hell for that and the latter part of your life you’ll try to spend it making amends.
2 of my friends tried mine and now want one sure a bit anecdotal but they are selling.
death by vegetable? yes but not as specific as this.
same here only been harassed once and it was a team of two... i was in passive mode so i kept sending heat emojis as they beat the hell outta me as i slowly walked down the street....Then out of nowhere a bolt of blue flashed and a institute courser outright disintegrated one guy and then it pointed to the other guy…
Usman broke his jaw and rag dolled him for almost five rounds. so let him talk a so called Immigrant whupped his ass,
guess he didn’t get the memo... in 20 years this sort of guy is so effed in the Aye it hurts. so they’ll try and burn it to the ground ...bunch of colonizing savages in esquire.
sah da tay
this is so spot on it hurts
yes in their world people of color are incapable of anything without their direct supervision or “help”
I thought Rachel Dozal but yeah
it’s funny how at first it was “i dont follow polls” to now it’s “LOOK at the polls!” i didnt want biden at all but I’ll be damn if i don’t vote for him.
mob of threatening SJW is the cherry on top here.
in old school game Dev we called it the Zero color because of the very reason you mentioned above. anything not MEANT to be seen got that ungodly green hue as a mask.
SMH ...Why have a gun if your SECURITY is with you? I think you hit the head on the nail. this reeks of insecurity and low emotional intelligence.
160K dead and counting.... cure in a few months . YOU should probably shut the fuck up while you’re ahead.
Yeah if he makes the non threatening choice people will show up but they wont show out